


  • Hematology
  • Chemistry incl. serology and urine analysis
  • HIV Tests
  • Pregnancy tests

Electrocardiogram (ECG)

An ECG records the electrical activity of the heart.


Minor surgical interventions

We perform minor surgical outpatient procedures such as removal of skin tumors and subcutaneous tumors and wound care.

Infusions and Bloodletting

Infusion treatments are necessary, for example, to thin the blood, but in certain cases they can also be used to suplement vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
Bloodletting is one of the oldest medical procedures, now limited to the treatment of some cases of hemochromatosis


The check-up is a periodic general examination. In addition to a thorough medical history, our check-ups also include measurements of blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes screening, ECG, as well as other examinations depending on the medical history.

Insurance examinations

We perform insurance investigations in our medical office and issue certificates for the attention of private insurers for the conclusion of life or health insurance policies.


Our physiotherapy team covers general physiotherapy. We also specialize in physiotherapy for spine and musculoskeletal system. We also focus on lymphatic drainage and bladder incontinence.
Our physiotherapy team also provides sexual medicine consultations.


Prescriptions can be ordered by telephone on 044 262 12 44 or fax 044 262 12 13. These can also be sent directly to the requested pharmacy.

Order medicines

You can order medicines online by filling in the form here